Optimize your electrical services business with Jane.
From answering calls and qualifying leads to scheduling appointments — Jane's got it!
Jane for Electricians
How can Jane transform your electrical services business?
Quick and efficient service is crucial in electrical work. Around 68% of clients expect electrical work to be done within a week of contact, which means the first business to reply a customer with a quote response wins the job.

Success Story
Mike Winton, a House Inspector from Building Science receives an average of 7 client calls a day. With a busy routine as a house inspector, going from job to job, Mike had no time to identify high-value jobs and qualify leads.
With Jane, Mike's productivity is boosted and he is able to focus on the jobs, while Jane gets all his calls. At the end of the day, Mike simply checks Jane's app, and sees all qualified leads, the job's address and requested date.
In his own words, "Jane is the next step forward in client contact". His clients also perceive the difference, and complimented the improved customer service experience with Jane.
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